It striked me to blog when I attended my friend's party last night.
My 21st. 5th Feb 2011. Exactly 15 days ago.
I had breakfast & lunch with my family and relatives.
I practised the violin. I fed my dogs. I surfed the net.
I phoned my past teachers to wish them a prosperous CNY.
I drove around the my hometown running errands for the celebration.
... and there it came the party.
Thanks you, papa & mummy. For everything.
Thank you, to all who helped: my aunt, maid, sister, friends....
Lastly, thanks to all who turned up.
Alles Gute!

Thank you for the music.

What a sensation to have so many people singing for you.
Labels: BFFs, CHS, CX 21, greetings, home sweet home, mates, musicians, partie, the violinist